Sunday, August 20, 2006

Illustration Friday MATCH


hemelsgroen said...

Oh this one reminds me of a jigsaw pullover my mom once made for me. She KNITTED the whole thing, with about 76 diffent colours of wool, each piece of the puzzle another colour... in fact she made one for my sister as well. It drove her mad in the end! But I wore it with pleasure.

CosasEnEstereo said...

OMG, what a confused thing, pobre de ella si ni yo mismo encuentro la q encaja ahora imaginatela :P

سابرينا said...

your work is fabilious, i adore this kind of art

carla said...

Clever idea! I love the colors - they make me think of autumn.

C. Bennett said...

Great idea with the puzzle peaces, Never would have thougt of that one myself.

valerie walsh said...

very clever! i love this!!!