Saturday, September 09, 2006

Illustration Friday



Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Neat illustration! Vibrant colors!

perla Perez said...

Ahh estan muy padres tus ilustraciones, me encantan, cada dia vas mejorando mas karlita, ahh esos brillos y sombras le dan mas profundidad a tus ilustraciones. Espero que sigamos viendo mas de tu trabajo porque realemente vale la pena gozarlo.

valerie walsh said...

I love this Karla! It's so you with the girl and I love yer cows too!!!

Jessica Wong said...
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Jessica Wong said...

So this is how we get milk for breakfast huh? Nice illustration, especially like your cow. So adorable!

CosasEnEstereo said...

haha super linda...esa eres tu verdad ?

سابرينا said...

it is a cutty photo!!!!!!